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Man Vine for Nerves and Men


Traditional Healers in Belize use the vine as a treatment for anxiety, back pain, head- and neckache, muscle spasm, mucus in male urine, mucus in the stool, constipation and gastritis, intestinal gas or other digestive or alimentary tract problems. 1 handful of the chopped vine is boiled in 1 qt of water for 10 min and 1 cup consumed warm 3 x daily before meals until better. The same recipe is used to treat male impotency. Man Vine works great as an anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, in stress situations, for nervousness and insomnia. It is the only plant in our Nerve Tonic and part of Female Tonic, Male Tonic, Strong Back and Belly Be Good.

Securidaca diversifolia is a climbing sarmentose liana, erect, with cylindrical stems, with clear brown bark. Sarmentose plants are plants that produce long, slender stems which take root along the ground. Man Vine as a liana climbs up on trees up to 10 m. Vines or lianas are woody climbing plants, in contrast to trees and shrubs, usually have stems that have very distinctive anatomical architecture. The distinguishing feature of Man Vine is a cylindrical stem that creates successive cambial rings that are continuous concentric rings of xylem and phloem. The xylem and the phloem make up the vascular tissue of a plant and transports water, sugars, and other important substances around a plant. We call them also annual rings. The leaves are of intense green color, glabros and glossy above, pale green to glaucescent below. The beautiful purple flowers on a stipe from the stem are, according to doctrine of signature a sign for its effect as a nervine.

Traditional Healers in Belize use the vine as a treatment for anxiety, back pain, head- and neckache, muscle spasm, mucus in male urin, mucus in the stool, constipation and gastritis, intestinal gas or other digestive or alimentary tract problems. 1 handful of the chopped vine is boiled in 1 qt of water for 10 min and 1 cup consumed warm 3 x daily before meals until better. The same recipe is used to treat male impotency. Man Vine works great as an anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, in stress situations, for nervousness and insomnia. It is the only plant in our Nerve Tonic and part of Female Tonic, Male Tonic, Strong Back and Belly Be Good.



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